a sword master childhood friend power harassed me harshly so i broke off our relationship and make a fresh start at the frontier as a magic swordsman

a brief description of the “a sword master childhood friend power harassed me harshly, so i broke off our relationship and make a fresh start at the frontier as a magic swordsman” manga: an incomparable beauty, a man with the title of master of the sword and nicknamed the impeccable goddess of the sword, a capable woman with achievements recognized by the kingdom and rewarded with the appointment of a knight, became a noblewoman. on the other hand, i am treated as an accomplice to this able woman alphine, she throws insulting words, often persecutes her with insults as an adventurer, losing my dignity as a man and as a person, i have accepted that i will spend my daily life as a lover-guardian. however, changes are taking place in their daily lives. alphine, who was busy as a knight of the kingdom, often became unable to participate in adventures, the time when i took requests alone increased, and i was able to recover my lost dignity. then i realized the abnormality of the situation in which i found myself. then, in order to come to my senses, i decided to abandon her repeated forceful harassment. in addition to all the equipment i had received so far, i returned her the sword that we gave to each other when we became adventurers, and then announced our break-up and quickly left the place. from now on i will change my name and appearance and live freely. as soon as i decided so, everything went well and when i realized it, i was praised by others and i became the greatest adventurer on the border. moreover, i received an offer to marry the daughter of a border lord from a woman adventurer.
- Chapters 1
- Chapters 2.1
- Chapters 2.2
- Chapters 3.1
- Chapters 3.2
- Chapters 4
- Chapters 5.1
- Chapters 5.2
- Chapters 6.1
- Chapters 6.2
- Chapters 7
- Chapters 8
- Chapters 9
- Chapters 10
- Chapters 11
- Chapters 12
- Chapters 13
- Chapters 14
- Chapters 15
- Chapters 16
- Chapters 17
- Chapters 18
- Chapters 19
- Chapters 20
- Chapters 21
- Chapters 22
- Chapters 23
- Chapters 24