blue lock
The story begins with Japan's elimination from the 2018 FIFA World Cup, which prompts the Japanese Football Union to start a programme scouting high school players who will begin training in preparation for the 2022 Cup. Isagi Youichi, a forward, receives an invitation to this programme soon after his team loses the chance to go to Nationals because he passed to his less-skilled teammate —who missed— without trying to make the game-changing goal by himself. Their coach will be Ego Jinpachi, who intends to “destroy Japanese loser football” by introducing a radical new training regimen: isolate 300 young strikers in a prison-like institution called “Blue Lock” and put them through rigorous training aimed at creating “the world's greatest egotist striker.”
- Chapters 1 dream
- Chapters 2 moving in
- Chapters 3 monster
- Chapters 6 foundation
- Chapters 8 message
- Chapters 12 signal
- Chapters 14 resolution
- Chapters 15 spring
- Chapters 16 hit
- Chapters 17 sorry
- Chapters 18 nice job
- Chapters 19 disadvantage
- Chapters 20 seething
- Chapters 21 get through
- Chapters vol.4 26 last game
- Chapters 31 awakening
- Chapters 32
- Chapters vol.5 33 wave attack
- Chapters 35 last chance
- Chapters 36 here and now
- Chapters 37 the final piece
- Chapters 38 more
- Chapters vol.5 39 hungry
- Chapters 40 second selection
- Chapters vol.6 43 a team of 3
- Chapters vol.6 45 deathmatch
- Chapters vol.7 51 the creator
- Chapters vol.7 53 blind spot
- Chapters vol.7 54 devour
- Chapters vol.7 55 pipe dream
- Chapters 57 encounter
- Chapters vol.8 59 tri session
- Chapters vol.8 61 make use of
- Chapters vol.8 62 retard
- Chapters vol.8 63 buried ego
- Chapters vol.8 64 the stage
- Chapters vol.8 68 promise
- Chapters vol.8 69 chaos
- Chapters vol.8 70 dancing boy
- Chapters vol.8 71 friend
- Chapters 72 matchup
- Chapters 74 monster
- Chapters 75 dance
- Chapters 76 i cant go back
- Chapters 77 serious
- Chapters 78 irregularity
- Chapters 79 i dont exist
- Chapters 80 unlimited
- Chapters 81 last move
- Chapters 82 we dont need you
- Chapters 83 voice
- Chapters 84 original ego
- Chapters 85 8 seconds earlier
- Chapters 86 pride
- Chapters 87 luck
- Chapters 89 demon
- Chapters 91 godspeed
- Chapters 92 front row
- Chapters 93 assembly
- Chapters 94 time has come
- Chapters 95 tryout
- Chapters 96 chosen path
- Chapters 97 last ticket
- Chapters 98 villain
- Chapters 101 new shape
- Chapters 104 trance
- Chapters 105 5 x 6
- Chapters 106 chameleon
- Chapters 108 top 11
- Chapters 110 newcomer
- Chapters 111 flow
- Chapters 112 big stage
- Chapters 113 cops and robbers
- Chapters 114 quartet
- Chapters 115 itoshi sae
- Chapters 116 revenger
- Chapters 117 nice to meet you
- Chapters 118 distorted
- Chapters 120 blue genes
- Chapters 121 1st half
- Chapters 122 headliner
- Chapters 125
- Chapters 126
- Chapters 127
- Chapters 128
- Chapters 129
- Chapters 130
- Chapters 131
- Chapters 132
- Chapters 133
- Chapters 134
- Chapters 135
- Chapters 136
- Chapters 137 the last step
- Chapters 138 hearts as one
- Chapters 139 synchrony
- Chapters 140 essence
- Chapters 141 monster trance
- Chapters 142 world standard
- Chapters 143 not alone
- Chapters 144 fetish
- Chapters 145 born slippy
- Chapters 146 final match up
- Chapters 147 last strike
- Chapters 148 declaration
- Chapters 149 complete
- Chapters 150 day off
- Chapters 151 changing world
- Chapters 152 restart
- Chapters 153 environment
- Chapters 154 master
- Chapters 156 bastard
- Chapters 157 kaiser
- Chapters 158 every moment
- Chapters 159
- Chapters 160 ginga x monster
- Chapters 161 bee shot
- Chapters 162 haiser impact
- Chapters 163 embodiment
- Chapters 164 butterfly
- Chapters 165 god given
- Chapters 166 vessel
- Chapters 167 cross flow
- Chapters 168 the full picture
- Chapters 170 body revolution
- Chapters 172 inmost thoughts
- Chapters 173 vs. england
- Chapters 176 44
- Chapters 177 planet hotline
- Chapters 179 mid development
- Chapters 180 chick
- Chapters 181 big bang piece
- Chapters 183 scenery
- Chapters 184 best goal piece
- Chapters 185 rebirth
- Chapters 186 karma
- Chapters 187 cross road
- Chapters 188 vortex
- Chapters 189 yes, boss
- Chapters 191 coming soon
- Chapters 192 upheaval
- Chapters 193 fangs
- Chapters 194 worlds no.2
- Chapters 195 gods trials
- Chapters 196 fantasia
- Chapters 197 protagonist
- Chapters 198 zero points
- Chapters 199 what do you see
- Chapters 201 deception
- Chapters 202 heart of sword
- Chapters 203 overheat
- Chapters 204 man of the match
- Chapters 205 mom
- Chapters 206
- Chapters 208 100
- Chapters 209 bastard vs ubers
- Chapters 210 ace eater
- Chapters 211 zombie
- Chapters 212
- Chapters 213
- Chapters 214
- Chapters 215
- Chapters 216
- Chapters 217
- Chapters 218
- Chapters 219
- Chapters 220
- Chapters 221
- Chapters 222
- Chapters 223
- Chapters 224
- Chapters 225 raid battle
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- Chapters 229
- Chapters 230
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- Chapters 239
- Chapters 240
- Chapters 241
- Chapters 242
- Chapters 243
- Chapters 247
- Chapters 248
- Chapters 249 the beginning
- Chapters 250 the unknown
- Chapters 253
- Chapters 254
- Chapters notice. anime news
- Chapters 255
- Chapters 256
- Chapters 257
- Chapters 258
- Chapters 259
- Chapters 260
- Chapters 261
- Chapters 262
- Chapters 263 boundary
- Chapters 265
- Chapters 266 superstar
- Chapters 268 pressure
- Chapters 270
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- Chapters 288.1