detective conan
Detective Conan Manga follows the experiences of Shinichi Kudo (also called Jimmy Kudo in Case Closed), a young detective prodigy who had been accidentally shrunk right into a child's body as a result of toxin he was force fed by members of a criminal syndicate. Family and neighbor friend Professor Agasa firmly indicated Shinichi conceal the people he cares about, so Shinichi takes the name Conan Edogawa and his identity to keep them. He attempts to use Kogoro's detective agency as a method to get the people that shrank him, and goes to reside together with his childhood pal Ran Mouri Kogoro, and her dad --without making Ran figure out who he actually is. Main characters in Detective Conan Manga Gosho Aoyama was made and draws the show. The protagonists from his earlier show Magic Kaito seem quite similar: Kaitou Kid has formed numerous looks in the anime and manga of the show as himself. The primary protagonist of the protagonist of the Magic Kaito show, Kaito Kuroba,Shinichi Kudo, as well as the Detective Conan manga show are similar. Numerous minor characters happen to be created and therefore are constantly given motivations, qualifications, and styles that place them under suspicion throughout the investigation. Characters in Detective Conan manga Kudo Shinichi
In the beginning of the Detective Conan manga show, Shinichi is a 16-year old (17, as stated by the anime) pupil at Teitan High School that has become well-known for helping the Tokyo authorities solve murder mysteries.
Shinichi brings his childhood buddy Ran Mouri to an area theme park called Tropical Land, to celebrate her success in the Metropolitan Karate Championships one day. He afterwards ends up solving a homicide case there. As they're leaving, Shinichi heads off alone to follow a suspicious guy in black, Vodka, who had been a defendant in the sooner homicide. Shinichi sees a business president in a secluded place as well as a blackmail exchange between Vodka just outside the park, but is too engrossed to see Vodka's associate, Gin, sneak up from behind. Gin pushes him to consume a fresh experimental toxin called APTX 4869 and knocks him out, plus they subsequently leave him to perish. Yet, rather than killing Shinichi, a rare side effect happens: his body shrinks into that of his six year old self. After escaping from well meaning but disbelieving park security, with nowhere else to go house is headed by Shinichi. Conan Edogawa is the alias. Shinichi took the look of seven or his six year old self after being exposed to some model toxin called APTX 4869, which he'd been made to consume by two guys in black afterwards shown to be members of the Black Organization. The toxin de-aged Shinichi's whole body except for his nervous system and so he has got unbelievable deductive skill of his adolescent self, memories, and the style. Have them detained because of their offenses and Conan's aim will be to hunt down the Black Organization, at the same time as locate antidote. So he intends to create the washout detectiveKogoro Mouri well-known in hopes of bringing cases to do associated with the Black Organization.
While Shinichi is seen as a recurring character, Conan is generally handled as another character from Shinichi by enthusiasts, and generally viewed as the primary character of the show. He's eventually become a favorite figure in Japan and even appeared at numerous occasions in various anime show (i.e. mostly cameo appearances) as good as other medias. Detective Conan manga Characters Mori Ran
Ran is a childhood pal of Shinichi Kudo. When she was seven, her parents split, plus among her biggest aims will be to get them. Her companion besides Shinichi is her classmate Sonoko Suzuki, who frequently teases her. Her other buddies comprise Kazuha Toyama Masumi Sera and Heiji Hattori.
In Nyc, Shinichi and Ran visited the parents of Shinichi over annually prior to the string' beginning. They metYukiko Kudo, his mom, and her celebrity friend, Sharon Vineyard (also called Vermouth, an associate of the Black Organization). It was during this excursion that Ran understood her feelings of love.
At the request of Agasa, Ran instantly came to think of him, and consented to look after him. Ran has come to imagine Conan's identity multiple times, but Conan consistently manages (helped by his buddies like Ai Haibara and even Kaito Kid) to locate a satisfactory alibi to meet her issues. Mori Kogoro
Kogoro is a private investigator, however unless his customer is an attractive girl, he favors to laze around his office all day. Then he graduated from Beika University, though he was exceptionally exposed to stage fright, where he was the ace of the Judo team.
Some time Kogoro became a police officer, working One while an outstanding marksman he wasn't a particularly great investigator, although with Inspector Megure. Based on Ninzaburo Shiratori in Picture 2, but the couple were renowned for the way offenders were apprehended by them. He also worked under Inspector Yuminaga in the arson section for a while. Kogoro has feelings for Eri despite always feigning disinterest in her. When Kogoro's focus is captured by other attractive girls in the area, which happens on a regular basis all these are expressed primarily through envy. Detective Conan AMW Hiroshi Agasa concluded that Shinichi could not openly continue investigating the Black Organization without bringing undue attention after Shinichi was made to take on the identity of Conan Edogawa. Agasa proposed Shinichi use him and to move in with Kogoro to keep his cover. Throughout a case Kogoro took shortly after, he reached the decision that was incorrect, before he could accuse an innocent man, and Conan knocked him out with the ashtray. In the few cases where Kogoro stays conscious for some reason, Conan nonetheless does the detective work that is chief and uses Kogoro as his official mouthpiece by bringing on Kogoro's focuses to significant clues he's uncovered.
Because of his name Kogoro Mouri, in the Japanese version, he's regularly mistaken for the famed astronaut Mamoru Mohri when he presents himself, since they both are in the news of Japanese decent, and possess the same last name. Also, maybe Patrick Moore, when Kogoro presents himself he's frequently mistaken for a famous astronaut in the English variant.
In the US variant, Kogoro Mouri says he is forty three, as opposed to being thirty eight in the Japanese variant. It's not known if the age of Eri stays the same, since they attended school. If not, if it's going to impact the Princess Pageant storyline that happened twenty years back, when she participated instead of a teen, making her. Other manga :
+ Ansatsu Kyoushitsu Manga
+Girls of the Wild Manga
- Chapters 0 the same voice
- Chapters 1 the heisei holmes
- Chapters 4 the sixth chimney
- Chapters 5 one more criminal
- Chapters 7 the bloody idol
- Chapters 11 the perfect alibi
- Chapters 12 the photos speak
- Chapters 13 the missing man
- Chapters 14 the pitiful girl
- Chapters 15 chase the giant
- Chapters 17 mansion of terror
- Chapters 19.5
- Chapters 26 curious presents
- Chapters 27 the same person
- Chapters 29.5
- Chapters 31 dying message
- Chapters 39.5
- Chapters 41 the first victim
- Chapters 42 ran s in trouble
- Chapters 48 how lives cross
- Chapters 52 three visitors
- Chapters 59 festival night
- Chapters 60 a perfect alibi
- Chapters 61 the photo trap
- Chapters 63 the piano s curse
- Chapters 69 meitantei ran
- Chapters 72 the night baron
- Chapters 73 virus of terror
- Chapters 74 under the mask
- Chapters 75 ran s tears
- Chapters 82 follow the voice
- Chapters 83 what really
- Chapters 87 choosing a groom
- Chapters 89 another body...
- Chapters 90 random murders
- Chapters 93 double reasoning
- Chapters 96 a burning body
- Chapters 99 snowstorm tragedy
- Chapters 100 the last words
- Chapters 101 a talking cloth
- Chapters 104 flash news
- Chapters 105 a key character
- Chapters 107 two mysteries
- Chapters 108 the fasting room
- Chapters 112 the black sun
- Chapters 113 what a treasure
- Chapters 116 conan s mistake
- Chapters 120 a discovered lie
- Chapters 121 the revelation
- Chapters 123 the triplets
- Chapters 128 the runaway
- Chapters 136 conan grin
- Chapters 137 yukiko grin...
- Chapters 138 the other...
- Chapters 139 unexpected crew
- Chapters 140 the last guest
- Chapters 141 it s not there
- Chapters 142 the lost weapon
- Chapters 144 .the same voice
- Chapters 146 duet
- Chapters 147 lick your thumb
- Chapters 148 a magic trick
- Chapters 149 the call of evil
- Chapters 151 white murderer
- Chapters 153 bonds of flame
- Chapters 155 is someone there
- Chapters 156 chance meeting
- Chapters 157 anihilation
- Chapters 158 presence
- Chapters 159 finale
- Chapters 164 lost weapon
- Chapters 167 the cuckoo clock
- Chapters 169 l.n.r
- Chapters 172 two rooms
- Chapters 173 first love
- Chapters 176 the new student
- Chapters 178 code name sherry
- Chapters 180 checkmate
- Chapters 181 why...
- Chapters 183 climax of 12
- Chapters 184 in france...
- Chapters 185 the living city
- Chapters 187 in the wallet...
- Chapters 192 run away
- Chapters 195 search
- Chapters 196 from sky
- Chapters 197 goodbye
- Chapters 198 tangible proof
- Chapters 199 sisterly love
- Chapters 201 and again...
- Chapters 202 countdown
- Chapters 203 the ivory tower
- Chapters 212 uneasiness
- Chapters 213 the evidence...
- Chapters 214 the last laugh
- Chapters 216 search the train
- Chapters 218 the last station
- Chapters 219 go on, sonoko
- Chapters 222 the last movie
- Chapters 224 dreamland
- Chapters 225 gray planner
- Chapters 232 finding evidence
- Chapters 233 count down
- Chapters 235 in the dark
- Chapters 242 a white world
- Chapters 247 seen horror
- Chapters 248 heiji s cry
- Chapters 249 heiji s anger
- Chapters 250 unable to speak
- Chapters 253 one s trust
- Chapters 256 concealed truth
- Chapters 259 a tranquil time
- Chapters 263 come spring
- Chapters 266 firm decision
- Chapters 269 time limit
- Chapters 270 start game
- Chapters 271 ttx...
- Chapters 272 game over
- Chapters 274 a small target
- Chapters 280 elder s prophecy
- Chapters 282 the last arrow
- Chapters 283 the last arrow
- Chapters 285 the suspicion
- Chapters 288 danger signal
- Chapters 290 the dog lovers
- Chapters 291 a tiny trace
- Chapters 293 k3
- Chapters 295 red card
- Chapters 298 the time trap
- Chapters 299 the meeting
- Chapters 300 tragedy
- Chapters 301 the murder
- Chapters 302 sting
- Chapters 304 genta s trap
- Chapters 305 on the bottom
- Chapters 307 the hidden word
- Chapters 310 the time of lies
- Chapters 311 ...warm ocean...
- Chapters 315 invisible knight
- Chapters 319 back to the past
- Chapters 324 idol s regret
- Chapters 326 p a
- Chapters 327 a stupid plan
- Chapters 329 satou s odds
- Chapters 330 satou s feelings
- Chapters 331 bloody valentine
- Chapters 335 memento of wife
- Chapters 336 clean scent
- Chapters 337 life of a flower
- Chapters 338 meaning of an x
- Chapters 339 o x
- Chapters 343 who are you
- Chapters 346 a fake supporter
- Chapters 347 raining deja-vu
- Chapters 349 cleared memory
- Chapters 350 golden apple 1
- Chapters 351 golden apple 2
- Chapters 352 golden apple 3
- Chapters 353 golden apple 4
- Chapters 354 golden apple 5
- Chapters 361 death island
- Chapters 363 mysterious words
- Chapters 368 bomber s aim
- Chapters 371 red trap
- Chapters 373 bye-bye...
- Chapters 374 kogoro s choice
- Chapters 384 the old picture
- Chapters 385 ayumi s worry
- Chapters 387 disgraceful hero
- Chapters 388 wolf s shadow
- Chapters 397 obtuse imitation
- Chapters 401 a small client
- Chapters 402 with a mole
- Chapters 403 red mole...
- Chapters 408 calias of doubt
- Chapters 409 my voice is gone
- Chapters 413 miserable
- Chapters 414 a tight match
- Chapters 421 there is risk
- Chapters 425 the hidden truth
- Chapters 426 good-bye jodie
- Chapters 427 ran s deduction
- Chapters 434 rotten apple
- Chapters 448 no hint
- Chapters 451 makes no sense
- Chapters 453 miracle
- Chapters 454 shock
- Chapters 455 panic
- Chapters 456 escape
- Chapters 470 prelude
- Chapters 471 capriccio
- Chapters 472 requiem
- Chapters 473 impromptu
- Chapters 474 fantasia
- Chapters 475 seal
- Chapters 476 trap
- Chapters 483 unlocking it
- Chapters 484 from him to her
- Chapters 487 appearing magic
- Chapters 496 the waken demon
- Chapters 497 ignored evidence
- Chapters 499 ding dong dash
- Chapters 505 a new teacher
- Chapters 509 the sealed car
- Chapters 510 the fake love
- Chapters 510.5
- Chapters 512 the secret visit
- Chapters 513 boring game
- Chapters 514 big win
- Chapters 517 detective boys
- Chapters 518 heiji s memories
- Chapters 519 yukionna s plan
- Chapters 520 lift of puzzle
- Chapters 523 fish incident
- Chapters 524 three fish
- Chapters 527 mixture trick
- Chapters 528 russian blue
- Chapters 529 goro is goro
- Chapters 532 demon s cave
- Chapters 537 wedding battle
- Chapters 542 name in katakana
- Chapters 543 superman
- Chapters 544 guren
- Chapters 545 konjiki
- Chapters 546 seiran
- Chapters 547 junbaku
- Chapters 551 nail and snake
- Chapters 553 mysterious job
- Chapters 553.5
- Chapters 554 menu for dinner
- Chapters 555 a dreaming star
- Chapters 567 genta s shoot
- Chapters 568 genta and el
- Chapters 569 mischievious boy
- Chapters 570 under the moon
- Chapters 571 dawn
- Chapters 572 broad daylight
- Chapters 573 the setting sun
- Chapters 584 company
- Chapters 585 wrong number
- Chapters 590 glove of sadness
- Chapters 591 the devil comes
- Chapters 594 the fugitive
- Chapters 595 crow s song
- Chapters 597 the fake patient
- Chapters 598 pursuit and...
- Chapters 601 camouflage
- Chapters 602 the last resort
- Chapters 603 the mission
- Chapters 606 friday the 13th
- Chapters 607 camel s past
- Chapters 608 spell of magic
- Chapters 609 wedge of steel
- Chapters 610 sound
- Chapters 611 flying corpse
- Chapters 613 centipede
- Chapters 614 armored warrior
- Chapters 615 art of war
- Chapters 616 fuurinkazan
- Chapters 617 war
- Chapters 623 kuroshiro-kun
- Chapters 624 new neighbor
- Chapters 625 hammer man
- Chapters 626 delivered malice
- Chapters 630 the bitter truth
- Chapters 631 purple nail
- Chapters 632 instant movement
- Chapters 633 the 3 taboos
- Chapters 634 zero
- Chapters 635 burn
- Chapters 636 cause of fire
- Chapters 637 crackle
- Chapters 638 paper plane
- Chapters 640 rescue
- Chapters 641 destruction
- Chapters 642 false friendship
- Chapters 643 wings of icarus
- Chapters 645 accidental hit
- Chapters 647 the lost memory
- Chapters 649 shiragami-sama
- Chapters 650 endless tears
- Chapters 651 true identity
- Chapters 653 my deduction
- Chapters 654 deduction answer
- Chapters 655 revolving weapon
- Chapters 656 sharpshooting
- Chapters 662 white fd
- Chapters 664 ikkaku rock
- Chapters 666 thirst for blood
- Chapters 667 scar
- Chapters 669 gari-kun
- Chapters 671 the connection
- Chapters 672 eswn
- Chapters 674 iron tanuki
- Chapters 675 hiding
- Chapters 676 unlocking
- Chapters 678 the trap
- Chapters 679 shaking heart
- Chapters 681 half-kill
- Chapters 682 the red wall
- Chapters 683 in the hand
- Chapters 684 the late koumei
- Chapters 686 super bait
- Chapters 687 memory
- Chapters 688 sakura falls
- Chapters 689 blooming sakura
- Chapters 695 ill-tempered
- Chapters 696 goth loli
- Chapters 697 a fashion curse
- Chapters 700 dangerous area
- Chapters 701 hint of red 13
- Chapters 702 the bomber s aim
- Chapters 704 silent clash
- Chapters 710 raise then lower
- Chapters 712 azure dragon
- Chapters 713 vermilion bird
- Chapters 714 white tiger
- Chapters 715 black tortise
- Chapters 716 rooster festival
- Chapters 717 monkey nine
- Chapters 718 purity
- Chapters 722 steam murder
- Chapters 725 white day murder
- Chapters 727 happy white day
- Chapters 729 genius
- Chapters 731 ryoma
- Chapters 732 breakthrough
- Chapters 733 the cleaning
- Chapters 734 demon dog
- Chapters 735 avenging ghost
- Chapters 737 sphere
- Chapters 738 footprints
- Chapters 739 princess
- Chapters 741 vhs of memories
- Chapters 745 love is zero
- Chapters 746 ask holmes
- Chapters 747 the holmes code
- Chapters 748 the other a
- Chapters 750 the real target
- Chapters 762 watchmen of time
- Chapters 766 ramen and poison
- Chapters 768 jeet kune do
- Chapters 772 nickname rules
- Chapters 773 possible sniping
- Chapters 775 video site
- Chapters 776 a vase and a cat
- Chapters 777 traces of ayumi
- Chapters 780 the magical food
- Chapters 781 eye
- Chapters 782 baumkuchen
- Chapters 783 diamond shapes
- Chapters 784 the vow
- Chapters 793 private eye
- Chapters 794 genome
- Chapters 805 wataru brothers
- Chapters 813 kinichi-kun
- Chapters 814 conan-kun, right
- Chapters 825 special coach
- Chapters 828 foam
- Chapters 829 mimicry
- Chapters 830 shedding skin
- Chapters 833 sensei s trick
- Chapters 835 count dracula
- Chapters 844 today s fruits
- Chapters 845 our territory
- Chapters 846 the magic lock
- Chapters 851 jodie remembers
- Chapters 857 my deduction
- Chapters 861 just like magic
- Chapters 862 iron wall
- Chapters 863 blackout
- Chapters 864 girls and boys
- Chapters 868 lucky cat
- Chapters 871 the red badge
- Chapters 872 the red woman
- Chapters 873 the red devil
- Chapters 874 the red past
- Chapters 875 the red tragedy
- Chapters 880 ebisu bridge
- Chapters 886 the wiretapper
- Chapters 889 zero
- Chapters 891 the last piece
- Chapters 892 out of my japan
- Chapters 896 scarlet return
- Chapters 897 scarlet truth
- Chapters 898 scarlet epilogue
- Chapters 899 the sealed move
- Chapters 900 check
- Chapters 901 forbidden move
- Chapters 902 spectacular move
- Chapters 906 a kind woman
- Chapters 913 woodpecker
- Chapters 918 blog
- Chapters 919 photo
- Chapters 920 selfie
- Chapters 921 ran girl part 1
- Chapters 922 ran girl part 2
- Chapters 931 zombie blade
- Chapters 944 solar balloon
- Chapters 944 v2 solar balloon
- Chapters 945 rude old man
- Chapters 946 the real couple
- Chapters 947 favourite motto
- Chapters 949 sweet scent
- Chapters 950
- Chapters 951 soul detective
- Chapters 952
- Chapters 953
- Chapters 954
- Chapters 955
- Chapters 957
- Chapters 958
- Chapters 960
- Chapters 961
- Chapters 963 tree god
- Chapters 964
- Chapters 965
- Chapters 966 scytale cipher
- Chapters 967
- Chapters 968
- Chapters 969
- Chapters 971 another customer
- Chapters 984 eri multiplies
- Chapters 985 eri can t escape
- Chapters 986 eri s s.o.s
- Chapters 987 tip-off
- Chapters 988 violation
- Chapters 989 buzzer beater
- Chapters 991 hands off
- Chapters 993 wait a minute
- Chapters 994 ran s trace
- Chapters 995 you don t know
- Chapters 997
- Chapters 998
- Chapters 999
- Chapters 1000
- Chapters 1002 auburn inuyarai
- Chapters 1005 dark red omen
- Chapters 1006
- Chapters 1007
- Chapters 1008
- Chapters 1010 file 1010
- Chapters 1011
- Chapters 1012
- Chapters 1013
- Chapters 1014
- Chapters 1016 no parking sign
- Chapters 1018
- Chapters 1019
- Chapters 1021
- Chapters 1022 substitute
- Chapters 1023 weird meds
- Chapters 1025 a mature child
- Chapters 1033 good luck charm
- Chapters 1051 the eerie farm
- Chapters 1053 light
- Chapters 1066 rum
- Chapters 1067 secret visit
- Chapters 1069 snowman
- Chapters 1070
- Chapters 1071
- Chapters 1072
- Chapters 1073
- Chapters 1074
- Chapters 1076 provocation
- Chapters 1077 mist
- Chapters 1078 reappearance
- Chapters 1084 micchans home
- Chapters 1087 idiots
- Chapters 1088 a sweet trap
- Chapters 1091 crossover
- Chapters 1092 new stimulus
- Chapters 1093 photogenic
- Chapters 1097 companions
- Chapters 1098 beach house
- Chapters 1099 fall back
- Chapters 1100 evanesce
- Chapters 1101 the search
- Chapters 1102 front and back
- Chapters 1105 tears of defeat
- Chapters 1116
- Chapters 1117
- Chapters 1118
- Chapters 1119
- Chapters 1120
- Chapters 1121
- Chapters 1122 the detective
- Chapters 1123
- Chapters 1124
- Chapters 1125
- Chapters 1129
- Chapters 1130
- Chapters 1131
- Chapters 1132
- Chapters 1133
- Chapters 1134
- Chapters 1135