face on

when i woke up, my phone had an app that can modify my appearance! how will this change my life? and who else knows of this?!
- Chapters 0 - prologue
- Chapters 1
- Chapters 2
- Chapters 3
- Chapters 4
- Chapters 5
- Chapters 6
- Chapters 7
- Chapters 8
- Chapters 9
- Chapters 10
- Chapters 11
- Chapters 12
- Chapters 13
- Chapters 14
- Chapters 15
- Chapters 16
- Chapters 17
- Chapters 18
- Chapters 19
- Chapters 20
- Chapters 21
- Chapters 22
- Chapters 23
- Chapters 24
- Chapters 25
- Chapters 26
- Chapters 27
- Chapters 28 - the end