jibaku shounen hanakokun
"Hanako-san, Hanako-san...are you there?" At Kamome Academy, rumors abound about the school's Seven Mysteries, one of which is Hanako-san. Said to occupy the third stall of the third floor girls' bathroom in the old school building, Hanako-san grants any wish when summoned. Nene Yashiro, an occult-loving high school girl who dreams of romance, ventures into this haunted bathroom but the Hanako-san she meets there is nothing like she imagined! Kamome Academy's Hanako-san actually is a boy!
- Chapters 1
- Chapters 2
- Chapters 3
- Chapters 4
- Chapters 5
- Chapters 6
- Chapters 8
- Chapters 9
- Chapters 10
- Chapters 11
- Chapters vol.3 12
- Chapters vol.3 13
- Chapters vol.6 28
- Chapters vol.6 29
- Chapters vol.7 32
- Chapters vol.10 49
- Chapters vol.10 50
- Chapters vol.11 51
- Chapters vol.11 52
- Chapters vol.11 53
- Chapters vol.11 54
- Chapters vol.11 55
- Chapters vol.12 57
- Chapters vol.12 60 study camp
- Chapters vol.13 62 elevator
- Chapters vol.13 63
- Chapters vol.14 66 sumire
- Chapters vol.14 71 severance
- Chapters vol.15 72 day off
- Chapters vol.15 74 loss
- Chapters vol.15 75 encounter
- Chapters vol.18 88 oni
- Chapters 89 demon part 2
- Chapters 93 dawn part 1
- Chapters 94 dawn part 2
- Chapters 95 dawn part 3
- Chapters 96 fireworks party
- Chapters 98 night out part 1
- Chapters 99 night out part 2
- Chapters 100 night out part 3
- Chapters 101
- Chapters 102 omen part 2
- Chapters 103 omen part 3
- Chapters 106 mismatched
- Chapters 112 changes
- Chapters 113 changes part 2
- Chapters 114 changes part 3
- Chapters 115 changes part 4
- Chapters 116 changes part 5
- Chapters 117 changes part 6
- Chapters 118 dream talk
- Chapters 119 happiness
- Chapters 120 happiness part 2