jigoku sensei nube
The series follows Meisuke Nueno, better known as N?b?, an exorcist who also happens to be the teacher for a 5th grade class at D?mori Elementary. While he uses many various exorcism techniques, his main weapon is the Demon Hand which is the power of a chaotic oni sealed right where his left hand should be. The series follows N?b? and D?mori class 5-3 though the many weird, chaotic, and downright silly and insane encounters they face with the many forms and elements of the supernatural.
- Chapters 1 the 99-legged bug
- Chapters 5 shugorei shift end
- Chapters 10 crash
- Chapters 18 angel-sama
- Chapters 21 gakidama
- Chapters 22 the nightly snake
- Chapters 23 droppelganger
- Chapters 23.5 extra
- Chapters 24 a has come
- Chapters 32 youkai rokurokubi
- Chapters 35 jinmenken
- Chapters 40 the hiyoku crows
- Chapters 50 the red vest
- Chapters 54 jinmenso
- Chapters 56
- Chapters 57
- Chapters 58 fixed
- Chapters 59
- Chapters 60 kodama
- Chapters 62 hyakki yakou
- Chapters 64 00000
- Chapters 66 nekomata
- Chapters 73 the seven misaki
- Chapters 76 dodomeki
- Chapters 86 mouse trouble
- Chapters 88 amanojaku
- Chapters 90 imina
- Chapters 94 the tan yukionna
- Chapters 111 u.m.a.
- Chapters 112 youkai kanedama
- Chapters 119 jorougumo
- Chapters vol.14 119 jorougumo
- Chapters 120 the parasite
- Chapters 239 shinigami
- Chapters 240 agyou-san
- Chapters 244 walking jumpyu
- Chapters 248 the trial jar
- Chapters 260 itakos pride
- Chapters 262 baki, revived
- Chapters 267 farewell
- Chapters 269