mato seihei no slave

the demon-filled dimension known as “mato” has opened to threaten humanity, and a type of “peach” tree that grows there yields fruit that confers special powers to those who eat it, giving humanity a fighting chance, but this only works for women. as such, as protectors of humanity, women rise in social status while men are relegated to second-class citizens scraping for basic occupation and acknowledgment.
cue yuuki wakura, a domestically crafty and laborious high school senior whose older sister was taken during a mato event 5 years before; while lamenting the hardships of the life ahead of him, an event opens before him, and while being rescued from demons by captain kyouka of the anti-demon corps, she confers him powers as her “slave” and turns him into a mighty beast mount that mows down the demons.
however, there is a surprising price to pay for being her “slave”… and it’s not him who has to pay it.
- Chapters 1 birth of a slave
- Chapters 2 pros and a pro
- Chapters 3 a slave's gloom
- Chapters 4 a slave's wits
- Chapters 5 a slave's cheering
- Chapters 6 a slave's sister
- Chapters 7 a slave's sister
- Chapters 8 a slave's superior
- Chapters 10 new power
- Chapters 12 finishing move
- Chapters 13 the matches begin
- Chapters 16 fiery master
- Chapters 17 the second match
- Chapters 18 assault
- Chapters 19 the 7th's chief
- Chapters 20 the 6th's chief
- Chapters 21 postmatch slave
- Chapters 23 a slave scouting
- Chapters 24 slave and chief
- Chapters 24.5 wsj special
- Chapters 24.9 shushu's plan
- Chapters 26 sure to find
- Chapters 27
- Chapters 28 reunion
- Chapters 29 hidden village
- Chapters 30 a stormy forecast
- Chapters 33: restrained slave
- Chapters 34
- Chapters 35: instant battles
- Chapters 36
- Chapters 37: tenka vs aoba
- Chapters 38: love to my slave
- Chapters 39
- Chapters 39.5
- Chapters 39.6
- Chapters 40: angered slave
- Chapters 41
- Chapters 42
- Chapters 43
- Chapters 44
- Chapters 45
- Chapters 45.5
- Chapters 46
- Chapters 47
- Chapters 48
- Chapters 49
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- Chapters 83.5 extra
- Chapters 83.6
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