one piece

a brief description of the manga one piece: wealth, power and glory. the man who fought for all this was gold roger, king of the pirates. when he was executed, his last words were: “you want my treasure? you can have it! look for him! somewhere i have hidden the greatest treasure in the world.” this treasure is the one piece and it lies somewhere on the grandline. thus the great pirate age dawned… monkey d. luffy is 16 years old and has a big goal: he wants to become king of the pirates and find the treasure one piece! luffy has special powers from the devil’s fruit “gumgum” and is a rubber man. he has his dream of the pirate shanks, who once saved his life and luffy shortly before his departure gave him his very important straw hat. first he has to find a crew and a ship… no sooner said than done! with the strong swordsman zorro, the liar usopp, the pretty nami, the master chef sanji and later also the moose chopper and some others he creates a strange but perfect team. the now created “straw hat gang” (derived from luffy’s straw hat) has a lot of trouble with her crazy rubber cap, but that’s by no means the only problem, because many creeps get in the way of the gang. for example captain black, who wanted to destroy usopps village, arlong, who is to blame for nami’s dark past, etc. also the navy gets in the way of the gang…
- Chapters 1 - romance dawn
- Chapters 7 - friends
- Chapters 8 - nami enters
- Chapters 9 - evil woman
- Chapters 11 - flee
- Chapters 12 - the dog
- Chapters 13 - treasure
- Chapters 14 - reckless
- Chapters 15 - gong
- Chapters 19 - devils fruit
- Chapters 21 - village
- Chapters 25 - 800 lies
- Chapters 28 - half moon night
- Chapters 29 - the slope
- Chapters 30 - great
- Chapters 31 - the truth
- Chapters 35 - neo hill
- Chapters 36 - the chase
- Chapters 40 - ussops pirates
- Chapters 41 - to the sea
- Chapters 42 - yosaku and joni
- Chapters 44 - the three chefs
- Chapters 46 - uninvited guest
- Chapters 49 - storm
- Chapters 50 - my own destiny
- Chapters 52 - the vow
- Chapters 53 - tiny fish no 1
- Chapters 54 - pearl
- Chapters 55 - jungle blood
- Chapters 56 - as if
- Chapters 58 - damn geezer
- Chapters 59 - obligation
- Chapters 60 - special honor
- Chapters 61 - devil
- Chapters 62 - mh5
- Chapters 63 - never die
- Chapters 64 - ultimate weapon
- Chapters 65 - prepare
- Chapters 66 - the death spear
- Chapters 67 - soup
- Chapters 68 - member no 4
- Chapters 69 - arlong park
- Chapters 71 - the creator
- Chapters 74 - business
- Chapters 76 - im gonna sleep
- Chapters 78 - miss belmeil
- Chapters 79 - to live
- Chapters 80 - a sin is a sin
- Chapters 81 - tears
- Chapters 83 - luffy in black
- Chapters 84 - zombie
- Chapters 87 - its all over
- Chapters 88 - die
- Chapters 89 - change
- Chapters 90 - what can you do
- Chapters 91 - darts
- Chapters 92 - happiness
- Chapters 93
- Chapters 94 - second person
- Chapters 98 - stormy cloud
- Chapters 101 - loose mountain
- Chapters 102 - grand line
- Chapters 103 - whale
- Chapters 112 - luffy vs zoro
- Chapters 113 - don't worry
- Chapters 114 - the route
- Chapters 116 - gigantic
- Chapters 118 - somebody
- Chapters 119 - evade
- Chapters 123 - luffy vs mr3
- Chapters 126 - instinct
- Chapters 127 - denden-mushi
- Chapters 132 - see
- Chapters 134 - dr. kureha
- Chapters 137 - avalanche
- Chapters 140 - snow castle
- Chapters 141 - fake doctor
- Chapters 143 - nonsense story
- Chapters 147 - frauds
- Chapters 148 - never broken
- Chapters 149 - rumble
- Chapters 152 - full moon
- Chapters 153.4
- Chapters 154 - to alabasta
- Chapters 156 - okama water
- Chapters 159 - come on
- Chapters 165 - utopia
- Chapters 166 - luffy vs vivi
- Chapters 167 - battlefront
- Chapters 170 - it begins
- Chapters 172 - rebellion
- Chapters 173 - bananadile
- Chapters 174 - mr prince
- Chapters 175 - liberation
- Chapters 176 - rush
- Chapters 178 - level gl
- Chapters 182 - jailbreak
- Chapters 186 - 4
- Chapters 188 - okama kenpo
- Chapters 189 - 2
- Chapters 190 - storm staff
- Chapters 193 - utopia
- Chapters 195 - mr bushido
- Chapters 196 - 1
- Chapters 197 - the generals
- Chapters 198 - 4-15pm
- Chapters 199 - hope
- Chapters 200 - water luffy
- Chapters 201
- Chapters 202 - the royal tomb
- Chapters 204
- Chapters 206 - ignition
- Chapters 207 - nightmare
- Chapters 210 - 0
- Chapters 211 - the king
- Chapters 212 - true justice
- Chapters 213 - vip
- Chapters 215 - last waltz
- Chapters 221 - monster
- Chapters 224 - stop dreaming
- Chapters 225 - a man's dream
- Chapters 229 - let's eat
- Chapters 237 - up in the sky
- Chapters 238 - heaven's gate
- Chapters 239 - angel beach
- Chapters 240 - dial energy
- Chapters 243 - the trail
- Chapters 244 - sos
- Chapters 247 - trail of balls
- Chapters 250 - orb dragon
- Chapters 251 - overture
- Chapters 252 - junction
- Chapters 253 - vearth
- Chapters 254 - song of dawn
- Chapters 257 - dial battle
- Chapters 259 - zoro vs braham
- Chapters 267 - march
- Chapters 268
- Chapters 269
- Chapters 270 - serenade
- Chapters 272 - play
- Chapters 273 - quintet
- Chapters 274 - oratorio
- Chapters 275 - divine comedy
- Chapters 277 - maxim
- Chapters 278 - gonis
- Chapters 280 - floating
- Chapters 281 - death piea
- Chapters 282 - hope
- Chapters 284 - bad boys
- Chapters 285 - capriccio
- Chapters 287 - the god-slayer
- Chapters 288 - meddling
- Chapters 291 - we'll be here
- Chapters 293 - trance
- Chapters 295 - the beanstalk
- Chapters 296 - the last stand
- Chapters 299 - fantasia
- Chapters 300 - symphony
- Chapters 301 - we came here
- Chapters 302 - finale
- Chapters 306 - donut race
- Chapters 307 - ready donut
- Chapters 310 - groggy ring
- Chapters 311 - rough game
- Chapters 312 - goal
- Chapters 313 - main event
- Chapters 314 - combat
- Chapters 316 - brother spirit
- Chapters 317 - k.o
- Chapters 321 - mano a mano
- Chapters 322 - puffing tom
- Chapters 326 - iceberg-san
- Chapters 330 - it's decided
- Chapters 332 - luffy vs usopp
- Chapters 333 - captain
- Chapters 335 - warning
- Chapters 338 - coup de vent
- Chapters 339 - the rumor
- Chapters 341 - devil
- Chapters 347 - rokushiki
- Chapters 348 - combat power
- Chapters 351 - klabautermann
- Chapters 352 - tom's workers
- Chapters 354 - the sea train
- Chapters 355 - spandam
- Chapters 356 - tom
- Chapters 357 - cutty flam
- Chapters 358 - resurrection
- Chapters 359 - bingo
- Chapters 361 - postscript
- Chapters 362 - ebbing tide
- Chapters 363 - aqua laguna
- Chapters 364 - kokoro
- Chapters 365 - rocket man
- Chapters 366 - sortie
- Chapters 367 - sogeking
- Chapters 369 - ramen kenpo
- Chapters 370 - not alone
- Chapters 372 - parage
- Chapters 373 - necessary evil
- Chapters 374 - struggle
- Chapters 376 - i got it
- Chapters 378 - damage report
- Chapters 379 - douriki
- Chapters 381 - fired
- Chapters 385 - there's a way
- Chapters 386 - unprecendented
- Chapters 387 - gear
- Chapters 388 - gear second
- Chapters 389
- Chapters 390 - fighting back
- Chapters 392 - dereshi
- Chapters 393 - olvia
- Chapters 394 - ohara's demons
- Chapters 396 - saul
- Chapters 401 - pirates vs cp9
- Chapters 403 - mr. kishido
- Chapters 405 - power
- Chapters 406 - seimei kikan
- Chapters 407 - monster
- Chapters 411 - nami vs kalifa
- Chapters 413 - the hunter
- Chapters 415 - heat up
- Chapters 416 - zoro vs kaku
- Chapters 417 - asura
- Chapters 420 - buster call
- Chapters 421 - gear third
- Chapters 422 - rob lucci
- Chapters 424 - escape ship
- Chapters 428 - let's go back
- Chapters 431 - fist of love
- Chapters 438 - promis
- Chapters 443 - thriller bark
- Chapters 445 - the zombie
- Chapters 446 - doktor hogback
- Chapters 448 - moria
- Chapters 454 - humming
- Chapters 457 - meeeeaaaat
- Chapters 458 - not the afro
- Chapters 461 - ghost busters
- Chapters 462 - oz's adventure
- Chapters 464 - sanji's dream
- Chapters 471 - my friend
- Chapters 472 - down
- Chapters 477 - 3 out of 8
- Chapters 478 - luffy vs luffy
- Chapters 480 - engaged
- Chapters 481 - shadow asgard
- Chapters 484 - squish
- Chapters 486 - piano
- Chapters 487 - that song
- Chapters 488 - song of life
- Chapters 489 - the eighth
- Chapters 493 - you know
- Chapters 495 - the gaon canon
- Chapters 499 - shabondy park
- Chapters 505 - kuma
- Chapters 507 - kizaru lands
- Chapters 510
- Chapters 512 - zoro vanished
- Chapters 517 - bath time
- Chapters 518 - battle arena
- Chapters 520 - gorgon's eyes
- Chapters 523 - hell
- Chapters 527 - crimson hell
- Chapters 529 - beast hell
- Chapters 535 - friends
- Chapters 537 - okama in hell
- Chapters 548 - thank you
- Chapters 554 - admiral akainu
- Chapters 558 - brother
- Chapters 559 - destiny
- Chapters 565 - oars' road
- Chapters 566 - assault
- Chapters 569 - monster
- Chapters 571 - scaffold
- Chapters 575 - silent anger
- Chapters 580 - end of the war
- Chapters 582 - luffy and ace
- Chapters 585 - brothers` cups
- Chapters 586 - a fetid town
- Chapters 587 - i will not run
- Chapters 588 - sabo`s ocean
- Chapters 590 - little bro
- Chapters 592 - ale
- Chapters 593 - news
- Chapters 594 - message
- Chapters 595 - pledge
- Chapters 596 - spectrum
- Chapters 597 - 3d2y
- Chapters 598 - 2 years later
- Chapters 599 - 9 pirates
- Chapters 611 - hodi jones
- Chapters 618 - proposal
- Chapters 619 - of sea forest
- Chapters 624 - queen otohime
- Chapters 627 - obliged
- Chapters 628 - cleansing
- Chapters 630 - lashing out
- Chapters 632 - i already knew
- Chapters 633 - friend or foe
- Chapters 634 - 100.000 vs 10
- Chapters 637 - an ancient ark
- Chapters 638 - fleehoshi
- Chapters 641 - what are you
- Chapters 642 - losing face
- Chapters 643 - phanthom
- Chapters 644 - to zero
- Chapters 646 - frog
- Chapters 647 - stop noah
- Chapters 653 - the hero's hat
- Chapters 655 - punk hazard
- Chapters 657 - a severed head
- Chapters 658 - biscuits room
- Chapters 659 - about my torso
- Chapters 663 - cc
- Chapters 665 - candy
- Chapters 667 - cool fight
- Chapters 669 - begin strategy
- Chapters 674 - the bystanders
- Chapters 677 - counter hazard
- Chapters 682 - mastermind
- Chapters 687 - wild animal
- Chapters 688 - mocha
- Chapters 690 - sad
- Chapters 693 - please die
- Chapters 695 - leave it to me
- Chapters 697 - transaction
- Chapters 699 - morning paper
- Chapters 700 - his pace
- Chapters 703 - waiting room
- Chapters 707 - b block
- Chapters 709 - king punch
- Chapters 712 - violet
- Chapters 713 - usoland
- Chapters 714 - lucy ucy
- Chapters 716 - don qinjiao
- Chapters 719 - open chinjao
- Chapters 724 - law’s plan
- Chapters 728 - tragedies
- Chapters 730 - 3 cards
- Chapters 739 - captain
- Chapters 740 - please
- Chapters 745 - birdcage
- Chapters 746 - stars
- Chapters 748 - my repayment
- Chapters 750 - war
- Chapters 752 - palm
- Chapters 753 - battle
- Chapters 755 - a man’s world
- Chapters 756 - the 4th level
- Chapters 757 - trump card
- Chapters 759 - secret plan
- Chapters 761 - ope ope fruit
- Chapters 762 - the white city
- Chapters 764 - white monster
- Chapters 766 - smile
- Chapters 767 - cora-san
- Chapters 772 - cabbage romeo
- Chapters 773 - half and half
- Chapters 777 - zoro vs pica
- Chapters 778 - tactics no.5
- Chapters 784 - gear fourth
- Chapters 786 - gatz
- Chapters 788 - my battle
- Chapters 789 - lucy
- Chapters 791 - rubble
- Chapters 792 - kneeling down
- Chapters 795 - suicide
- Chapters 797 - rebecca
- Chapters 798 - heart
- Chapters 799 - parent child
- Chapters 802 - zou
- Chapters 805 - the mink tribe
- Chapters 807 - 10 days ago
- Chapters 808 - duke inuarashi
- Chapters 811 - roko
- Chapters 816 - dog vs cat
- Chapters 821 - understood
- Chapters 823 - a world abuzz
- Chapters 826 - 000 and 004
- Chapters 827 - totland
- Chapters 828 - 001 and 002
- Chapters 832 - germa kingdom
- Chapters 833 - vinsmoke judge
- Chapters 834 - my dream
- Chapters 838 - bropper
- Chapters 840 - iron mask
- Chapters 843 - vinsmoke sanji
- Chapters 846 - egg defence
- Chapters 848 - goobye
- Chapters 850 - ray of hope
- Chapters 851 - tab end
- Chapters 853 - not here
- Chapters 855 - grrrrooowwll
- Chapters 856 - liar
- Chapters 857 - rook
- Chapters 858 - meeting
- Chapters 865 - big mom
- Chapters 867 - happy birthday
- Chapters 868 - kx launcher
- Chapters 869 - under siege
- Chapters 870 - farewell
- Chapters 871 - go caesar
- Chapters 874 - king baum
- Chapters 880 - no way out
- Chapters 881 - a wave room
- Chapters 883 - merienda
- Chapters 884 - who
- Chapters 885 - its brulee
- Chapters 888 - lion
- Chapters 894 - 1205 am
- Chapters 899 - the last stand
- Chapters 902 - end roll
- Chapters 909 - seppuku
- Chapters 915 - bakura town
- Chapters 920 - i love oden
- Chapters 921 - shutenmaru
- Chapters 924 - ha
- Chapters 925 - the blank
- Chapters 930 - ebisu town
- Chapters 931 - o-soba mask
- Chapters 935 - queen
- Chapters 938 - her secret
- Chapters 943 - smile
- Chapters 944 - partner
- Chapters 945 - o lin
- Chapters 946 - queen vs o lin
- Chapters 947 - queens gamble
- Chapters 949 - mummy
- Chapters 951 - rampage
- Chapters 955 - enma
- Chapters 956 - big news
- Chapters 957 - ultimate
- Chapters 959 - samurai
- Chapters 968 - odens return
- Chapters 969
- Chapters 970 - oden vs kaido
- Chapters 971 - boiled alive
- Chapters 975 - kinemon’s plan
- Chapters 976
- Chapters 979
- Chapters 980: fighting music
- Chapters 981: engagement
- Chapters 983: thunder
- Chapters 984: my bible
- Chapters 985
- Chapters 986: my name
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