Yuushi Kamome is a freelance writer who lost his beloved daughter in an accident. In despair, his wife leaves him, and he spends his days like a shell of a man. One day, however, a flyer from a strange religious group, the "Heart Laughing Society," changes his fate. It shows the image of his wife, whom he has lost touch with...This is a story of faith and madness. What is the black darkness of the cult that an evil smile invites? A chilling “new religion” suspense begins!
- Chapters 1
- Chapters 2
- Chapters 3
- Chapters 4
- Chapters 5
- Chapters 6
- Chapters vol.1 7 shoukou
- Chapters vol.1 9 true smile
- Chapters vol.2 11 found it.
- Chapters vol.2 12 yui
- Chapters vol.2 14 secret
- Chapters vol.2 16 suspicion
- Chapters vol.2 17 article
- Chapters 18 nagaoka
- Chapters vol.2 19 proof
- Chapters 20 yamamoto
- Chapters 21 decision
- Chapters vol.3 22 everything
- Chapters vol.3 23 shinshou
- Chapters 24 reaction
- Chapters 25
- Chapters 26 serenity
- Chapters vol.3 27 shouai
- Chapters vol.3 28 time
- Chapters 29 net
- Chapters vol.4 30 liar
- Chapters vol.4 31 eyes
- Chapters 32 team
- Chapters 33 six months
- Chapters 34 dreams
- Chapters 35 before
- Chapters 36 reunion
- Chapters 37 failure
- Chapters 38 truth
- Chapters 39 meeting
- Chapters vol.5 42 friendship
- Chapters 43 buying time
- Chapters 44 about face