The unemployed, arrogant and selfish Huisung attempts to steal his childhood friend’s banking book. Leaving their house with light foot steps, he is suddenly abducted by a mysterious figure. Huisung, who had been raped in his sleep, awakes to see a smiling Jaeyeon looming over him.
- Chapters 0 prologue
- Chapters 1
- Chapters 2
- Chapters 3
- Chapters 4
- Chapters 5
- Chapters 6
- Chapters 7
- Chapters 8
- Chapters 9
- Chapters 10
- Chapters 11
- Chapters 12
- Chapters 13
- Chapters 14
- Chapters 15
- Chapters 16
- Chapters 17
- Chapters 18
- Chapters 19
- Chapters 20
- Chapters 21
- Chapters 22
- Chapters 23
- Chapters 24
- Chapters 25
- Chapters 26
- Chapters 27
- Chapters 28
- Chapters 29
- Chapters 30
- Chapters 31
- Chapters 32
- Chapters notice
- Chapters special
- Chapters 34
- Chapters 35
- Chapters 36
- Chapters 37
- Chapters 38
- Chapters 39
- Chapters 41
- Chapters 43
- Chapters 44
- Chapters 46
- Chapters 47
- Chapters end epilogue
- Chapters 47.5
- Chapters side.1
- Chapters side.3 hybrid au end