Latest Supernatural Manga & Manhwa - Browse Library Page 7

Chapter 23
tao and alma are a team of problem solvers that operate in a thriving red-light district and take on any task that needs a fix. however, they are actually hitmen who seek out “calamities” in stealth.

hunter x hunter
Chapter 410
harmful monsters as well as unusual beasts … forgotten treasures and also legendary prizes … globes of satanic forces and also unknown lands … “unknown” is a magic word. it is with these words that this most splendid manga from the best magazine of shounen manga begins.

dead mount death play
Chapter 125
short description of the manga: dead mount death play a necromancer by the name of the corpse god is battling the church, which is attempting to control him. he defeats the calamity crusher after exerting every last bit of might, but his rebirth magic begins to work. he suddenly found himself in the body of a young child named polka shinoyama and in the modern world. what will ultimately occur to him in this world? how will he act?

natsumes book of friends
Chapter 123
natsume has always been aware of the strange, but after inheriting a magic book, he now knows about the supernatural!
when reiko was takashi’s age, she bound the names of demons and spirits in her book of friends, subjecting them to her fickle whim. takashi now owns the book, and the animals will go to any length to reclaim their names.
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